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Understanding How Couples Can Improve Their Relationships By Adding Spice To The Bedroom! - Picture 00

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  • May 03, 2024
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There may be a stigma behind the use of sex toys, but the topic only tends to be taboo amongst youngsters because most youngsters have a healthy sex life. Now, this tends to be Gen Z and Generation Alpha.

If we move to older generations, Gen Y and Gen X, then sex toys are less of a taboo, and believe it or not, the use of sex toys tends to be more commonplace amongst couples in older age groups mostly because sex is no longer a giggly topic. At the same time, for younger adults, it is still new.

You have to think that Gen Y and Gen X spent most of their youth without the internet or smartphones, and so high street sex shops at the time were prevalent. Although, even for these generations during their younger ages, sex toys were taboo, you will find because you could just walk into a shop and buy a vibrator of cock ring, quite a few Gen Y to X adults still tried out a vibrator or a cock ring as a bit of fun to spice up their sexual experiences.

Yet, it feels that the days of sex shops and the era of sex toys are less prevalent because we don’t see them on the high streets anymore. We know the reason why – everything has gone from buying online from shops like Getfleshy.

A quick look at the gens:

  • Silent Generation: Born approximately 1928-1945
  • Baby Boomers: Born approximately 1946-1964
  • Generation X (Gen X): Born approximately 1965-1980
  • Millennials or Generation Y (Gen Y): Born approximately 1981-1996
  • Generation Z (Gen Z): Born approximately 1997-2012
  • Generation Alpha: Born approximately 2013 onwards

Baby boomers are not out of the conversation here either, while even some born in the silent generation are surprisingly still sexually active. Sex toys have probably long been in the bedroom for those who were. Gen Z, the topic is still taboo, but there are still some guys and gals willing to try sex toys in the bedroom just as an experiment rather than to spice up a stale sex life.

Bringing up the topic of sex toys with your partner

Yet, if you are a Gen Y or Gen X adult, and even in the earlier days of Gen Z, then you probably won’t have an issue bringing up the topic of sex toys with your partner.

How would the conversation start?

  • Do you remember we used to see sex shops all the time on the high street selling sex toys?
  • Did you ever see the size of some of those vibrators?
  • Did you ever experiment with vibrators other than in private? With another male companion, maybe?

You might be surprised how easy the topic is to bring up, as long as you ensure your partner is comfortable talking about it with you – hopefully, he or she is. It might be that you have not had any sexual intimacy for a long while, which tends to happen with a lot more couples than you would think, despite the fact they appear to get on so well with one another.

Introducing Sex Toys to the Bedroom

Sex toys can spice up a couple's relationship if you know how to use them correctly, but remember that there are different stages of your sex life to consider. You may just be having the same boring sex for the sake of it, or maybe you are still enjoying your sex life with your partner, but you can feel that ‘same old’ feeling creeping in. And, of course, there are those of you whose sex life has completely gone out of the window through habit, boredom, or medical reasons.

Each of these circumstances is different, so make sure to read up online more about the various sex toys available and try to imagine them helping in your particular situation. Discuss with your partner how you are going to introduce them into your sex life, and then start making plans!

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